PDR Online Identify Drugs

PDR online identify drugs - Includes 3000 drugs

PDR Online
The 2009 The Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) includes more than 3,000 drugs organized by brand and generic name, manufacturer and product category. It also provides usage information and warnings, drug interactions, plus more than 1,500 full-size, full-color photos, cross-referenced to the drug.

PDR online identify drugs - Consumer Drug Information

The PDR Consumer Drug Information database contains information on drug indications, recommended dosages for adults and children, side effects, possible food and drug interactions, and detailed instructions for use. This also includes in pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

PDR online identify drugs - FDA-approved drug information

PDR Consumer Drug Information is written in lay terms and is based on the FDA-approved drug information found in the PDR. It gives consumers plain-English explanations for the safe and effective use of prescription and non-prescription drugs - explanations that are consistent with the information professionals are referencing in the PDR.

PDR's Entitlements

Membership entitles you to FREE PDR.net access and all it has to offer, including:
  • Full FDA-approved product labeling
  • PDR's concise drug information
  • Multi-drug interaction checker
  • Specialty-focused resource centers
  • Daily news updates
  • Study abstracts
  • PDR eBooks
  • MEDLINE & Stedman's Medical Dictionary
  • Opportunities for receiving drug samples
  • Patient education
  • eDetail opportunities
  • Our point-of-care PDA download for clinical decision support

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